In this time of extended personal space, it's easy to become touch starved.
One way to combat this is by sharing in a foot rub. The feet are our under appreciated warriors that carry us through each and every day without the slightest bit of thanks. Nerves that travel throughout our entire bodies reach the feet as well. Because of this, through Reflexology, you are able to stimulate much of the body through reflex points in the feet. Some of the reflex points also correlate with your Chakra Energy Wheels. You can stimulate the associated Chakra points, providing someone you care about with the targeted touch they may desperately need while also staying six feet away from them as they express air.
Wheel 1. Root Chakra: This Chakra is Red. Concentrate on the color red when stimulating this point. The focus is on: Insecurity, abundance, trust
Wheel 2. Sacral Chakra: This Chakra is Orange. Concentrate on the color orange when stimulating this point. The focus is on: Creative Expression
Wheel 3. Splenis Chakra: This Chakra is Olive Green. Concentrate on the color olive green when stimulating this point. The focus is on: The holding onto or hiding of feelings/emotions that are unpleasant.
Wheel 4. Solar Plexus Chakra: This Chakra is Yellow. Concentrate on the color yellow when stimulating this point. The focus is on: Generating or cultivating one's personal power; one's well of strength.
Wheel 5. Heart Chakra: This Chakra is Emerald Green. Concentrate on the color emerald green when stimulating this point. The focus is on: The emotions and the ability to receive each other without judgement or expectation.
Wheel 6. High Heart Chakra: This Chakra is Pink. Concentrate on the color Pink when stimulating this point. The focus is on: The ability to love yourself without judgement.
Wheel 7. Throat Chakra: This Chakra is Sky Blue. Concentrate on the color sky blue when stimulating this point. The focus is on: The ability to speak one's truth. Are the words you say fully in line with who you are and what you truly believe?
Wheel 8. 3rd Eye Chakra: This Chakra is Midnight Blue. Concentrate on the color midnight blue when stimulating this point. The focus is on: Trusting one's intuition. This chakra point also assists with being able to quiet the mind heavy with thought.
Wheel 9. Crown Chakra: This Chakra is Violet. Concentrate on the color violet when stimulating this point. The focus is on: The cultivation of one's spirituality. This is the chakra that tethers one to the divine energy or the source or all that is.